Thursday, February 5, 2015

Our Awesome Planet

Our Planet Earth is amazing. Take sometime out to explore beyond mundane things that surrounds us everyday. Exploration does not necessarily mean that you need to prepare yourself for itineraries. Think wild and discover fascinating things our planet has to offer. It will take your breadth away.

Think of this: 4.54 billion years ago a burning mass of gas and dust started it's journey spinning around a bigger mass, or what we call the Sun. Little did some alien life form observing this event, could imagine that one day this burning mass would sustain intelligent life. But, this story of evolution, of once burning mass of gas and dust, what we know as planet Earth today, is not only about how life came into this planet and how development has occurred to this day. This story of evolution is also about the changes that has taken place on the planet itself, I mean the geographical changes.

Writing in details about the exact geographical events would require lot of time and effort, and which I don't want to do at this moment. My goal is to spark your imagination and try to fascinate you.

Take this example: The site where world's tallest mountain range, The Himalayas, as we know it today, actually used to be the area occupied by water body called Tethys Sea some millions of years ago (See fig. below).